The public has shown increasing interest in the interplay of religion, spir
ituality, and health, bur many physicians are either openly skeptical or un
sure how best to respond. Religion and medicine were once closely linked, b
ut spiritual concerns have come to be seen as obstacles to scientific progr
ess or, at best, sentimental attachments of little real value in the battle
with disease. As a result, many patients and their families have been cut
off from a vast storehouse of wisdom, and many physicians complain of bring
isolated and overburdened with intractable human dilemmas. Although it is
crucial that spirituality and religious faith not be reduced to therapeutic
nostrums, an emerging literature has demonstrated a salutary impact of rel
igious belief and practice on patient well-being. Further, if spirituality
is seen as the search for transcendent meaning, then all human beings, secu
lar or religious, grapple with spiritual questions. Serious illness can the
refore be viewed as both a biologic fact and a spiritual challenge for all
patients. Physicians need to learn to be open to discussing spiritual conce
rns with their patients; to addressing these issues in a respectful, carefu
l and professional way; and to knowing how and when to refer patients to ot
her members of the health care team for spiritual support. Perhaps most imp
ortant, if to care for a person one must first learn to be a person, physic
ians may wish to cultivate and deepen their own spiritual lives.