Alveolar epithelium's capacity to ingest inhaled ultrafine particles is not
well characterized. The objectives of this study were to use an in vitro m
odel of type II lung epithelium and evaluate the cells' ability to take up
ultrafine particles (titanium dioxide [TiO2], 50 nm diameter). The human ep
ithelial cell line A549 was grown on aclar substrates and exposed to 40 mug
/ml TiO2 particles for 3, 6, and 24 h before imaging with energy-filtering
transmission electron microscopy. Elemental mapping and electron energy los
s spectroscopy were used to colocalize Ti/O with electron-dense particles.
Particle endocytosis was compared in A549 cells with and without pretreatme
nt with cytochalasin D (cyto a) (2 mug/ml). After 3 h of TiO2 exposure, cel
ls internalized aggregates of the ultrafine particles which were observed i
n cytosolic, membrane-bound vacuoles. After 24 h of exposure there were con
siderably more intracellular aggregates of membrane-bound particles, and ag
gregated particles were also enmeshed in loosely and tightly packed lamella
r bodies. Throughout 24 h of exposure a preponderance of particles remained
associated with the free surface of the cells and were not internalized. T
he majority of membrane-bound vacuoles contained aggregates of particles an
d only occasionally did they contain as few as two or three particles, desp
ite the use of several different approaches to assure the possibility for i
ndividual particles to be ingested and detected. There was morphologic evid
ence of microfilament disturbance, but no evidence of a decrease in interna
lized particles in cells pretreated with cyto D. Thus, this model of type I
I epithelium is able to internalize aggregates of ultrafine particles.