OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study is to report the sonographic appearanc
e of focal thyroid nodules that prove to be lymphocytic thyroiditis on fine
-needle aspiration.
CONCLUSION. In a patient population undergoing sonography for palpable nodu
lar disease without known thyroiditis, focal nodules of thyroiditis had a w
ide variety of appearances. They most commonly appeared as solid hyperechoi
c nodules with ill-defined margins. However.;he echogenicity was variable,
and calcification and cystic-appearing regions were also noted. The vascula
rity of these nodules as assessed with color Doppler and power Doppler sono
graphy also varied widely. Biopsy of these lesions is still necessary becau
se there are no sonographic features that can reliably diagnose these lesio
ns as thyroiditis and differentiate them from other lesions.