We investigated whether morphine alters intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([
Ca2+](i)). left ventricular pressure (LVP), and myofilament Ca sensitivity
under physiologic conditions in intact guinea pig beating hearts and whethe
r delta (1), delta (2), and kappa opioid stimulations are related to the di
rect cardiac effects of morphine. Transmural LV phasic [Ca2+](i) was measur
ed from fluorescence signals at 385 nm and 456 nm. The Ca2+ transients duri
ng each contraction were defined as available [Ca2+](i). The hearts were pe
rfused with modified Krebs-Ringer solution containing morphine in the absen
ce and presence of delta (1) (BNTX), delta (2) (NTB), and kappa (nor-BNI) a
ntagonists, while developed LVP and available [Ca2+](i) were recorded. Morp
hine (1 muM) decreased available [Ca2+](i) by 44 +/- 12 nM without decreasi
ng developed LVP at 2.5 mM of [CaCl2](e) (P < 0.05). Morphine (1 <mu>M) cau
sed a leftward shift in the curve of developed LVP as a function of availab
le [Ca2+](i) (P < 0.05). BNTX (1 <mu>M), but not nor-BNI (1 muM) or NTB (0.
1 muM) blocked morphine (1 muM) effects to decrease available [Ca2+](i). Mo
rphine decreases available [Ca2+](i) but not LVP, and it enhances myofilame
nt Ca2+ sensitivity under physiologic conditions at clinical concentrations
in intact isolated beating guinea pig hearts. The delta (1) opioid stimula
tion modifies the effects of morphine on Ca transients and myofilament Ca2 sensitivity.