Background-Monozygotic twins are at greater risk of dying and of serious mo
rbidity than dizygotic twins, and both are at greater risk than singletons,
This is only partly explained by the higher proportion of low birthweight
infants among twins.
Aim-To compare, in same sex and different sex twins, birth weight specific
neonatal death rates and cerebral palsy prevalence rates in the surviving t
win when the co-twin has died in infancy.
Methods-Analysis of birth and death registration data for same sex and diff
erent sex twins for England and Wales 1993-1995 where both were live births
. Death certificates of all liveborn twins who died were obtained from the
Office for National Statistics. A questionnaire was sent to the general pra
ctitioners of all surviving cotwins to determine if the child had any disab
Results-The neonatal death rate in same sex twins was 25.4 and in different
sex twins 18.0 per 1000 live births (death rate difference 7.4; 95% confid
ence interval 4.7 to 10.1; p < 0.001). The higher neonatal death rate in sa
me sex compared with different sex twins is attributable to the higher prop
ortion of same sex twins with low birth weight. Prevalence of cerebral pals
y in the low birthweight group (< 1000 g) was marginally higher in same sex
(224 per 1000) than different sex (200 per 1000) twin survivors. In the bi
rth weight group 1000-1999 g, same sex twin survivors were at a significant
ly higher risk of cerebral palsy than those of different sex: 167 v 21 per
1000; difference 145 (95% confidence interval 44 to 231; p < 0.01) per 1000
infant survivors.
Conclusion-There are two components to the cause of cerebral palsy in twins
. Immaturity per se predisposes to cerebral damage. Also, same sex twins ma
y sustain cerebral damage that is in excess of that due to immaturity.