The predictions from mean field electrodynamics have been questioned becaus
e of the strong feedback of small-scale magnetic structure on the velocity
fields. In two dimensions, this nonlinear feedback results in a lengthening
of the turbulent decay time. In three dimensions a-quenching is predicted.
Previous studies assumed a homogeneous fluid. We will present recent resul
ts from two-dimensional compressible MHD decay simulations in a highly stra
tified atmosphere that more closely resembles the solar convection zone. Ou
r results show that the field geometry has a strong influence on the decay
rate : vertical fields remain fairly constant for a period of time and then
rapidly decay on the turbulent timescale; horizontal fields decay at an in
termediate rate with strong fields persisting near the top and bottom bound
aries. The implication of our results for understanding solar active region
decay is discussed.