Fragrances have been used since at least 5000 years ago and all traditional
scents are found in modern perfumes. Although perfumes are obviously invol
ved in sexual communication, the significance of great individual differenc
es in preference for fragrances is an evolutionary puzzle. The major histoc
ompatibility complex (MHC) is a highly polymorphic and conserved set of gen
es that plays an important role in immune function in vertebrates. Both mic
e and humans have been shown to prefer die body odor of potential partners
that have a dissimilar MHC genotype, which would result in heterozygous off
spring. We tested whether individual preferences for perfume ingredients co
rrelate with a person's MHC genotype. The human MHC is called HLA (human le
ukocyte antigen). A total of 137 male and female students who had been type
d for their MHC (HLA-A, -B, -DR) scored 36 scents in a first test for use o
n self ("Would your like to smell like that yourself?") and a subset of 18
scents 2 years later either for use on self or for a potential partner ("Wo
uld you like your partner to smell like that?"). An overall analysis showed
a significant correlation between the MHC and the scorings of the scents "
for self" in both tests. In a detailed analysis we found a significant inte
raction of the two most common HLAs with the rating of the 36 scents in the
first study as well as with the 18 scents in the second study when evaluat
ed for self. This result suggests that persons who share, for example, HLA-
A2, have a similar preference for any of the perfume ingredients. The signi
ficant repeatability of these preferences in the two tests showed that the
volunteers that had either HLA-A1 or HLA-A2 were significantly consistent i
n their preferences for the perfume ingredients offered. Hardly any signifi
cant correlation between MHC genotype and ratings of the scents "for partne
r" were found. This agrees with the hypothesis that perfumes are selected "
for self" to amplify in some wall body odors that reveal a person's immunog