Melanoma is a cancer characterized by predisposition to natural and induced
immune rejection. The occurrence of this phenomenon, however, remains spor
adic and capricious while there is no clear understanding of the chain of e
vents responsible. With the progression of the understanding of the molecul
ar immunology of melanoma during the last decade, several theories suggesti
ng immune tolerance (inadequate immune response) and/or immune escape (adap
tation of cancer cells to a vigorous immune pressure) as possible modulator
s of melanoma growth have emerged. As the number of these hypotheses, mostl
y based on molecular or pre-clinical models, has increased exponentially, t
he relevance of each individual one has been conversely decreasing leaving
the observer without confidence that a theory likely to explain this phenom
enon can be soon formulated. In this review, we will discuss a direct appro
ach whereby new theories might be identified by direct observation of human
phenomena as they occur by depiction of molecular portraits of melanoma le
sions using global transcript analysis.