Three azo polyelectrolytes were successfully fabricated into self-assembled
multilayers through a layer-by-layer dipping technique, The surface morpho
logy and its variation with the bilayer growth were investigated with atomi
c force microscopy(AFM). The cis-trans isomerization of the self-assembled
thin films was studied with UV-Vis spectroscopy and compared with the spin-
coated films, PEAPE/PDAC and PPAPE/PDAC multilayers show significant photoc
hromic effect upon UV light irradiation. In dark condition, the rates of ci
s-to-trans isomerization depend on the chromophore structure. For polyelect
rolytes containing the same chromophores, the azo dyes in self-assembled mu
ltilayer recover much faster from cis to trans isomer than those in spin-co
ated films.