Objective: To establish bioequivalence between two oral formulations of cip
rofloxacin 500mg tablets (reference formulation: Cinaflox(R), BayerLaborato
ries; test formulation: Cinaflox(R), SteinLaboratories).
Design: A phase I crossover, randomised study with a 7-day washout period.
Methods: A single dose of either drug was administered to 18 healthy male a
nd female volunteers. Blood samples were drawn before each administration a
nd on 14 occasions up to 24 hours after drug administration. Quantification
of plasma concentrations was done by reverse-phase high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC). The area under the plasma concentration versus time
curve for time zero to infinity (AUC(infinity)) was calculated by the trap
ezoidal method, and maximum concentrations (C-max) and time to reach Cmax(t
(max)) were obtained directly from the concentration versus time curves. C-
max/AUC(infinity) was also calculated. After logarithmic transformation, an
alysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for statistical analysis of AUC(infinit
y), C-max and C-max/AUC(infinity), and t(max) was evaluated untransformed u
sing the Mann-Whitney U-test. Classic confidence intervals (CI) and calcula
tion of two one-sided t-tests (Schuirmann) were used as criteria for evalua
tion of bioequivalence.
Results and Conclusion: There were no gender, administration order or group
biases. The mean values of the pharmacokinetic parameters obtained for the
reference formulation were AUC(infinity) = 11.9457mg .h/L, C-max = 2.1622
mg/L, C-max/AUC(infinity) = 0.1837h(-1), t(max) = 1.55h. For the test formu
lation, the mean values were AUC(infinity) = 11.1511mg .h/L, C-max = 1.9939
mg/L, C-max/AUC(infinity) = 0.1824h(-1), t(max) = 1.6388h. After compariso
n of these four specific pharmacokinetic parameters for bioequivalence, it
was concluded that, according to the recommendations of the 1992 European G
uidelines (data transformed logarithmically and AUC(infinity) in the relati
onship AUCt/AUC(infinity) greater than or equal to 80%), the test formulati
on is bioequivalent in the extent (CI 85.0-104.0) and rate of absorption (C
I 85.4-100.6) to the reference formulation. Since the difference between th
e test and reference means for tmax was 0.07h, and the CI for C-max/AUC(inf
inity) were 89.1 to 109.0, the two formulations are interchangeable. Both f
ormulations were well tolerated; adverse effects reported were not clinical
ly relevant.