Patients with chronic renal disease suffer from a secondary form of complex
dyslipidemia. The most important abnormalities are an increase in serum tr
iglyceride levels (elevated VLDL-remnants/DL), small LDL particles and a lo
w HDL cholesterol level, The highly atherogenic LDL subclass, namely LDL-6
or small dense LDL, accumulates preferentially in hypertriglyceridemic diab
etic patients with nephropathy or on hemodialysis treatment. All these lipo
protein particles contain apolipoprotein B, thus the complex disorder can b
e summarized as an elevation of triglyceride-rich apolipoprotein B-containi
ng complex lipoprotein particles. Growing evidence suggests that all of the
components of this type of dyslipidemia are independently atherogenic. The
se particles, specifically the apolipoprotein B moiety, are predominantly p
rone to modification such as oxidation and glycosilation, which contributes
to impaired clearance by the LDL receptor. These complex alterations in li
poprotein composition not only passively accompany chronic renal disease bu
t on the contrary also promote its progression and the development of ather
osclerosis, Therefore, renal patients with dyslipidemia should be subjected
to lipid-lowering therapy. The effectiveness of lipid lowering on the redu
ction of cardiovascular endpoints or the progression of renal disease is un
der investigation or remains to be studied. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 10:
195-101, (C) 2001 Lippncott Williams & Wilkins.