The relation between body mass index (kg/m(2)) and noncoronary mortality is
not well established. To study this relation, a population with low corona
ry mortality may be especially useful. We conducted a 12-year follow-up stu
dy of 235,398 Korean men 40-64 years of age. Study subjects had undergone h
ealth examinations in 1986 (baseline) and 1990. We excluded subjects with s
ubstantial weight loss during this period. There were 13,387 deaths, includ
ing 600 deaths from coronary events, between 1990 and 1998. We estimated th
e relation of body mass index to the risk of death after adjusting for comm
on risk factors. There was a positive relation between body mass index and
coronary mortality, but this relation was attenuated after serum total chol
esterol, blood pressure, and fasting serum glucose were taken into account.
A J-shaped relation with cerebrovascular mortality was also attenuated alt
er adjustment. Even after this adjustment and exclusion of early deaths bet
ween 1990 and 1994, the relation of body mass index to all-cause (U shaped)
, cancer (J-shaped), and noncancer noncoronary noncerebrovascular (inverse
J-shaped) mortality remained. Both high and low body mass index were relate
d to increased mortality among these Korean men.