Helicobacter pylori infects one-half or more of the world population and ca
uses chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, and probably gastric cancer as well.
The public-health impact of this infection is far from trivial. Chronic gas
tritis and peptic ulcer disease are common across populations. Gastric canc
er rates have declined during this century, but this cancer remains second
among causes of cancer deaths worldwide. Much has been learned about biolog
ical and clinical aspects of H. pylori, but key epidemiologic questions hav
e not been answered. How infection results in diverse diseases, the precise
modes of transmission, and a comprehensive solution to H. pylori as a publ
ic-health problem remain elusive. In this paper, we highlight methodologic
challenges and outline an agenda for future research. Challenges include im
proving validation of detection methods and considering the limitations of
these methods when interpreting epidemiologic data. The role of cofactors i
n H. pylori-induced diseases requires extensive exploration. Many intriguin
g areas of H, pylori research require the skills of epidemiologists. The di
scovery of an infectious etiology of common chronic diseases presents a pro
mising opportunity for improving public health.