Magnetic resonance techniques have become increasingly important in neurolo
gy for defining:
1 brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve or muscle structure,
2 pathological changes in tissue structures and properties: and
3 dynamic patterns of functional activation of the brain.
New applications have been driven in part by advances in hardware, particul
arly improvements in magnet and gradient coil design. Neu: imaging strategi
es allow novel approaches to contrast with, for example, diffusion imaging,
magnetization transfer imaging. perfusion imaging and Functional magnetic
resonance imaging. In parallel with developments in hardware and image acqu
isition have been new approaches to image analysis. These have allowed quan
titative descriptions of the image changes to be used for a precise, non-in
vasive definition of pathology. With the increasing capabilities and specif
icity of magnetic resonance techniques it is becoming more important that t
he neurologist is intimately involved in both the selection of magnetic res
onance studies for patients and their interpretation. There is a need for c
onsiderably improved access to magnetic resonance technology, particularly
in the acute or intensive care ward and in the neurosurgical theatre. This
report illustrates several key developments. The task force concludes that
magnetic resonance imaging is a major clinical tool of growing significance
and offers recommendations for maximizing the potential future for magneti
c resonance techniques in neurology.