We examined whether otolith-activated second- and third-order vestibular nu
cleus neurons received commissural inhibition from the contralateral otolit
hic macula oriented in the same geometric plane. For this purpose we perfor
med intracellular recording in vestibular nucleus neurons after stimulation
of the ipsi- and contralateral utricular and saccular nerves. More than ha
lf (41/72) of the utricular-activated second-order vestibular nucleus neuro
ns received commissural inhibition from the contralateral utricular nerve.
The remaining neurons (31/72) showed no visible response to contralateral u
tricular nerve stimulation. About half (17/36) of utricular-activated third
-order neurons also received commissural inhibition from the contralateral
utricular nerve. Approximately 10% (7/67) of saccular-activated second-orde
r vestibular neurons received polysynaptic commissural inhibition, whereas
16% (11/67) received commissural facilitation. The majority (49/67) of sacc
ular second-order vestibular neurons, and almost all (22/23) third-order ne
urons, showed no visible response to stimulation of the contralateral saccu
lar nerve. The present findings suggest that many utricular-activated vesti
bular nucleus neurons receive commissural inhibition, which may provide a m
echanism for increasing the sensitivity of vestibular neurons to horizontal
linear acceleration and lateral tilt of the head, Commissural inhibition i
n the saccular system was less prominent than in the utricular system.