Research in the past decade has identified a trend in which feminist values
are given support while feminists themselves are constructed negatively, i
t is argued that the incorporation of feminist valises into the mainstream
and simultaneous I-ejection of those associated with the 'movement' itself
can be understood through analysing related discursive practices. Although
significant changes in gender relations have occurred, the decoupling of fe
minist values fr om feminists, as identified in interviews with 46 professi
onal Scottish men, can be lead as a strategy that functions to minimize the
impact of gender politics on contemporary society; the historical role men
have played in women's oppression; and the related privileges men receive.
Finally, it allows users to claim feminist values for themselves, enabling
them to redefine these values. The gender-neutral approach is identified a
s such a reformulation, which functions to marginalize any continued femini
st voice and thus further initiatives for social change.