Thioredoxin (TRX) is a 12 kD protein with redox-active dithiol in the activ
e site; -Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys-. We originally cloned human TRX as adult T cell l
eukemia derived factor (ADF) produced by HTLV-I transformed cells. TRX and
related molecules maintain a cellular reducing enviroment, working in conce
rt with the glutathione system. Physiologically, TRX has cytoprotective eff
ects against oxidative stress. TRX promotes DNA binding of transcription fa
ctors such as NF-kB, AP-1, p53, and PEBP-2. The TRX superfamily, including
thioredoxin-2 (mitochondrial thioredoxin) and glutaredoxin, are involved in
biologically important phenomena via the redox-regulating system. Thioredo
xin-binding protein-2, which we recently identified by a yeast two-hybrid s
ystem, is a type of endogenous modulator of TRX activity. TRX is secreted f
rom the cells and exhibits cytokine-like and chemokine-like activities. Red
ox regulation by TRX plays a crucial role in biological responses against o
xidative stress.