Seismic structure of the upper mantle transition zone beneath the Philippin
e Sea region is studied using waveform modeling. Models AZ41 and AZ40 were
derived to represent the structure beneath the north central part and north
western regions, respectively. AZ41 has high-velocity anomalies from 510 km
to 660 km 3% faster than a global model ak135, a depression of the '660' d
iscontinuity to 690 km, and a small (+2%) discontinuity at 510 km. Model AZ
40 is the same as AZ41 except there is no depression of the '660'. On the o
ther hand, the waveforms which sampled the southern region can be explained
with the global model ak135. These results support the interpretation that
subducted Pacific lithosphere is stagnant above the '660' in the northern
part, whereas in the southern part it penetrates into the lower mantle. In
accord with earlier suggestions, the different configuration of the subduct
ed slab suggested above could be due to the migration of the trench.