One of the advantages of flexible colonoscopy is that the terminal ileum ca
n easily be reached and biopsied by an experienced operator, Thus, the path
ologist will, with increasing frequency, receive ileal biopsies from patien
ts who have or may not have ileal disease and it is therefore useful to hav
e a good knowledge of the spectrum of ileal mucosal histology and pathology
, of its normal function, and of the changes seen in different conditions.
It is also desirable to be aware of diseases that occur less frequently.
The ileal microscopic features are related to its absorptive function on th
e one hand, and to nonspecific and specific defence mechanisms of the organ
ism against potential hazardous components on the other. As a consequence t
he mucosa features a constant physiological and controlled inflammatory pro
cess. Part of the ileal mucosal structure is determined by the presence of
the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) which plays a key role in discrim
inating harmless nutrients and harmful pathogens.
It will be important to distinguish this normal situation from alterations
seen in infectious or inflammatory pathology. Further, because of the thera
peutic implications, it is necessary that acute and chronic (idiopathic) in
flammation are recognized. This will in general be possible by evaluating t
he composition of the inflammatory infiltrate and the occurrence of epithel
ial and mucosal architectural changes.