Optimised design of overhead transmission lines requires the selection of a
ppropriate stringing tensions for conductors. The percentage of rated-tensi
le-strength and tension-over-mass criteria for determining these stringing
tensions are discussed and analysed in terms of the static tensile stresses
in the aluminium component of the conductor. It is demonstrated that the C
IGRE tension-over-mass method of specifying vibration constraints does not
maintain constant initial aluminium stress for conductors with various stee
l-to-aluminium ratios in all climates. In place of methods based on a perce
ntage of rated strength or the tension-over-mass method, it is proposed tha
t vibration constraints be based on specified values of static tensile alum
inium stress. The 'aluminium-stress method' may be applied by specifying a
stress constraint in a sag-tension program that is equipped to apply one. I
f such a program is not available to a line engineer, a simple method is pr
ovided for computing the initial tension constraint based on the steel and
aluminium areas, the average temperature of the coldest month and specified
constraints on initial aluminium stress and built-in stress. The effect of
built-in stresses on initial stringing tensions is discussed.