Eosinophils play a prominent pro-inflammatory role in allergic inflammation
. Studies utilizing flow chambers, intravital videomicroscopy, and cytokine
and adhesion molecule-deficient mice have provided important insight into
the mechanisms of eosinophil trafficking in inflamed blood vessels and into
tissues in vivo. While the bone marrow generation of eosinophils is finely
regulated by interleukin (IL)-5, the trafficking of eosinophils into tissu
es is regulated by several cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules wi
th overlapping functions. Prospects for therapeutically inhibiting eosinoph
ilic inflammation by inhibiting eosinophil adhesion to endothelium are depe
ndent on an improved understanding of the relative importance of individual
cytokines and adhesion molecules in regulating eosinophil adhesion to endo
thelium. Alternative strategies to inhibit eosinophilic inflammation includ
e the use of immunostimulatory DNA sequences containing a CpG motif to act
as a Th1 adjuvant to prevent Th2 responses associated with IL-5 and eosinop
hilia. Immunostimulatory DNA sequences do not induce eosinophil apoptosis,
but function at the level of the bone marrow to inhibit the IL-5-induced bo
ne marrow generation and release of eosinophils.