We karyotyped and identified by polymerase chain reaction restriction fragm
ent length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis Anopheles gambiae s.s. samples
collected in several African countries. The data show the existence of two
non-panmictic molecular forms, named S and M, whose distribution extended f
rom forest to savannahs, Mosquitoes of the S and M forms are homosequential
standard for chromosome-2 inversions in forest areas. In dry savannahs, S
is characterized mainly by inversion polymorphisms typical of Savanna and B
amako chromosomal forms, while M shows chromosome-2 arrangements typical of
Mopti and/or Savanna and/or Bissau, depending on its geographical origin.
Chromosome-2 inversions therefore seem to be involved in ecotypic adaptatio
n rather than in mate-recognition systems. Strong support for the reproduct
ive isolation of S and M in Ivory Coast comes from the observation that the
kdr allele is found at high frequencies in S specimens and not at all in c
hromosomal identical M specimens. However, the kdr allele does not segregat
e with molecular forms in Benin.