OBJECTIVE: Leptin, a primarily adipose tissue-derived protein product of th
e obesity (ob) gene, is an important regulator of energy metabolism. The st
rong association between body fat mass and elevated circulating leptin leve
ls in humans suggests that leptin resistance, rather than leptin production
, may contribute to the development of obesity and associated disorders. Th
e purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between circulating
plasma leptin levels and regulation of body weight over time among US men.
DESIGN: Four-year prospective study.
SUBJECTS: A total of 247 men from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study,
who at baseline (1994), were 47-64 y of age, were free of cardiovascular d
iseases, diabetes mellitus and malignant neoplasmas, and completed a detail
ed lifestyle questionnaire. In addition, all participants completed a follo
w-up questionnaire in 1998.
MEASUREMENTS: Baseline plasma leptin levels and 4-y weight change.
RESULTS: At the start of follow-up, men in the highest quintile for plasma
leptin (mean = 12.1 ng/ml) weighed more, were less physically active, and h
ad higher circulating insulin levels than men in the lowest quintile (mean
= 2.7 ng/ml). After adjustments for baseline age, weight, height, smoking s
tatus, alcohol intake, and physical activity, each 10 ng/ml increase in pla
sma leptin concentration was associated with a 1.68 kg (95% CI 0.14-3.18 kg
) weight gain over the 4-y follow-up period. The observed association betwe
en leptin level and weight gain was limited to men with a baseline body mas
s index (BMI) of greater than or equal to 25 kg/m(2), in whom a 10ng/ml hig
her baseline leptin was associated with a 2.45 kg (95% CI 0.73-4.18-kg) wei
ght gain. Further adjustments for baseline total energy intake, plasma insu
lin and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors levels did not appreciably
alter these results. Plasma insulin level was not independently associated
with subsequent weight gain.
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that elevated plasma leptin concentration
s among overweight men may be a marker of leptin resistance and subsequent
weight gain.