Aims of the study: This study describes three tacit definitions of informal
caregiving and explores the extent to which differences in these tacit def
initions explain variation in caregivers' negative mood over time.
Background/Rationale: There is a growing need to understand the sources of
stress and gratification for informal caregivers. Tacit definitions of info
rmal caregiving refer to caregivers' understanding of what caregiving entai
ls. These definitions are tacit because they arise from caregivers' taken-f
or-grant-ed understanding rather than formally articulated positions concer
ning caregiving.
Design/Methods: A random sample of 60 men, all of whom were caregiving part
ners of men with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), was drawn from
a larger cohort of 253 participants in the University of California San Fra
ncisco (UCSF) Coping Project (1990-1997). The caregivers were assessed bimo
nthly for 2 years with procedures that included 3 semi-structured interview
focusing on a recent stressful event involving caregiving, and quantitativ
e measures of well-being.
Results/Findings: Interpretive phenomenological case studies of the narrati
ve accounts of the 60 caregivers produced three tacit definitions of caregi
ving - engagement, conflict and distance. These three tacit definitions wer
e distinguished by differences in learning about caregiving, involvement in
health care decisions, caregiving activities and reported sources of stres
s. The three groups differed on measures of dyadic adjustment, depression,
anger and anxiety.
Conclusions: Better understanding of caregivers' tacit definitions can faci
litate and enhance effective support and interventions for caregivers.