Objectives: To examine the safety and efficacy of anhydrous crystalline mal
tose (ACM) for treatment of dry mouth.
Design: ACM was delivered orally as a 200-mg lozenge given three times dail
y over a 12-week (study Alpha) or 24-week (study Omega) period to a total o
f 22 and 97 subjects, respectively. All participants had prominent complain
ts of persistent dry mouth associated with primary Sjogren's syndrome. Pati
ents were examined every 4 weeks in study Alpha and every 6 weeks in study
Settings: Patients were seen in outpatient clinics at a total of 33 sites w
ithin the United States.
Outcome measures: Unstimulated whole saliva output, a measure of basal sali
vary gland function, was determined at each visit. Symptoms associated with
oral and ocular dryness were assessed at the same time with the use of 100
-mm visual analog scales. Safety was assessed by physical examination and l
aboratory studies.
Results: During these clinical trials, a majority of subjects demonstrated
an increase in unstimulated whole saliva output and the treatment exhibited
an excellent safety profile. The ACM treatment in study Omega Zed to signi
ficant improvement in several subjective measures of oral and ocular comfor
Conclusions: In these two studies, ACM lozenges administered three times da
ily for 12 or 24 weeks improved salivary output and decreased complaints of
dry mouth and eyes. Side effects were minimal, and treatment was without s
ignificant adverse events. This safe and simple intervention may provide cl
inical benefit to individuals with distressing dry mouth symptoms.