In the last few years we have studied the possible relation of instability
of a shell surface to the patterns that develop in plants. In the present w
ork, it is found that there is a linear relation between the epidermis (tun
ica) thickness and the wavelength between new leaves (primordia). This rela
tion is near the buckling wavelength calculated from the geometry of the tu
nica and interior (corpus) cells. The main focus is on the changes in patte
rn that occur. (1) The wild variety of snapdragon has primordia that bulge
out of plane, while a mutant has in-plane folding. A crude mechanical model
is an elastic ring constrained at the outer diameter and subjected to unif
orm growth, represented by thermal expansion. It is found that the differen
ce in the in-plane and out-of-plane buckling can be accounted for by a mode
st change in one geometric parameter. (2) The second change is that in the
unicellular alga Acetabularia. The geometry consists of a standard cylindri
cal pressure vessel with a nearly hemispherical end cap. At a point in time
, the end cap flattens and a uniform circumferential array of new shoots fo
rms. A mechanical model for the growth is proposed, in which the wall consi
sts of a viscous material with a locally linear relation between mean stres
s and creep (growth) rate. The result is that the elliptical shape for stab
le growth can be regulated by one parameter of viscosity. The results reinf
orce the suggestion that the stability of the surface is instrumental in th
e generation of plant patterns, and that substantial change in pattern can
be controlled by the modification of few mechanical parameters.