The magnetic properties of LaFeO3-LaCrO3 superlattices have been artificial
ly controlled by adjusting the atomic order of the B site ions via changes
of the stacking direction of the [100], [110] and [111] planes and adjustme
nt of the stacking periodicity. When Fe and Cr layers are atomically stacke
d along the [111] direction, ferromagnetism appears. In the case of superla
ttices growing along the < 100 > and [110] directions, antiferromagnetic pr
operties appear, and the Neel temperature changes systematically as the sta
cking periodicity increases. Although the total number of Fe and Cr ions ar
e the same in the (100), (110) and (111) stacking planes, different magneti
c properties can be created in artificial superlattices. (C) 2001 American
Institute of Physics.