It is well known that Crohn's disease can involve the pancreas. However, gr
anulomatous inflammation of the pancreas causing jaundice is extremely rare
. In this report, we describe a patient presenting with jaundice in whom a
Whipple procedure was performed because of the suspicion of a malignant pan
creatic tumor. However, on histologic examination a benign granulomatous pa
ncreatic mass was found, Further investigations revealed no other organ inv
olvement and no underlying disease could be identified. Therefore, the tent
ative diagnosis of an idiopathic inflammatory pseudotumor was made. Only 6
months later, when the patient developed bloody diarrhea, Crohn's disease w
as diagnosed. This case stresses that, especially in young patients, Crohn'
s disease should be included in the differential diagnosis of benign common
bile duct strictures even if no other symptoms of Crohn's disease are pres