A robust high-speed motion controller is proposed. The proposed controller
consists of the proximate time optimal servomechanisms (PTOS) Sou high-spee
d motion, disturbance observer (DOB)for robustness, friction compensator, a
nd saturation handling element. In the proposed controller, DOB basically p
rovides the chance to apply PTOS to nondouble integrator systems by drastic
ally reducing disturbances as well as unwanted signals doe to difference be
tween real system and the double integrator model. Brit, in DOB-based syste
ms, if control input is saturated due to control input of PTOS and/or DOE,
overall system stability cannot be guaranteed which is first found and anal
yzed in this paper. To solve this problem, robust stability and internal st
ability conditio,as of DOB-based sq:stern ave derived. IE is also shown tha
t DOE could violate the internal stability: when the control input is satur
ated Eventually, a simple saturation handling element is inserted to mainta
in internal stability of overall system. Also, ne explain that our two satu
ration handling methods, i.e., Additional Saturation Element (ASE) and Self
Adjusting, Saturation (SAS) are the equivalent solutions of saturation pro
blem to maintain internal stability: The stability and performances of the
proposed controller are verified through numerical simulations and experime
nts using a precision linear motor system.