Although there are no known gender-related differences in permeability barr
ier function in adults, estrogens accelerate whereas testosterone retards b
arrier development in fetal skin, and male fetuses demonstrate slower barri
er development than female littermates. Moreover, prenatal administration o
f the androgen receptor antagonist, flutamide, equalizes developmental rate
s in male and female fetuses. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of change
s in testosterone on barrier homeostasis in adult murine and human skin. Hy
pogonadal mice (whether by castration or by treatment with systemic flutami
de) displayed significantly faster barrier recovery at 3, 6, and 12 h than
did controls, and testosterone replacement slowed barrier recovery in castr
ated mice. Moreover, testosterone directly effects the skin, as topical flu
tamide also accelerated barrier recovery in normal male mice. These finding
s appear to be of physiologic significance, since prepubertal male mice (ag
e 5 wk) displayed accelerated barrier recovery in comparison with adult pos
tpubertal (11 wk) males. These studies also appear to be relevant for human
s, as a hypopituitary human subject demonstrated repeated changes in barrie
r recovery in parallel with peaks and nadirs in serum testosterone levels d
uring intermittent testosterone replacement. Mechanistic studies showed tha
t differences in epidermal lipid synthesis do not account for the testoster
one-induced functional alterations. Instead, epidermal lamellar body (LB) f
ormation and secretion both decrease, resulting in decreased extracellular
lamellar bilayers in testosterone-replete animals. These studies demonstrat
e that fluctuations in testosterone modulate barrier function, and that tes
tosterone repletion can have negative consequences for permeability barrier