As the largest lymphoid organ and the largest reservoir of macrophages
in the body, the gastrointestinal tract mucosa is probably the larges
t organ reservoir of macrophages infected with HIV-1, To elucidate the
biology of HIV-1 infection of intestinal macrophages, we isolated lam
ina propria macrophages from normal human jejunum by neutral protease
digestion, purified the cells by counterflow centrifugal elutriation,
and then infected the cells with HIV-1, The lamina propria macrophages
were permissive to macrophage-tropic isolates of HIV-1 and substantia
lly less permissive to lymphocyte-tropic isolates, Compared with blood
monocytes, mucosal macrophages produced 2-3 logs less p24 antigen at
peak infection, The reduced level of infection was not due to impaired
macrophage viability, reduced CDP expression, or the isolation proced
ure. These results confirm that macrophages isolated from the gastroin
testinal tract mucosa can support HIV-1 production, albeit at a lower
level than blood monocytes. The reduced level of virus production may
reflect the unique biology of intestinal lamina propria macrophages.