A closed form solution to the flow of resin in vacuum assisted resin transf
er molding process (VARTM) has been derived. VARTM is used extensively for
affordable manufacturing of large composite structures. During the VARTM pr
ocess, a highly permeable distribution medium is incorporated into the pref
orm as a surface layer. During infusion, the resin flows preferentially acr
oss the surface and simultaneously through the preform giving rise to a com
plex flow front. The analytical solution presented here provides insight in
to the scaling laws governing fill times and resin inlet placement as a fun
ction of the properties of the preform, distribution media and resin. The f
ormulation assumes that the flow is fully developed and is divided into two
regimes: a saturated region with no crossflow and a flow front region wher
e the resin is infiltrating into the preform from the distribution medium.
The flow front region moves with a uniform velocity. The law of conservatio
n of mass and Darcy's Law for flow through porous media are applied in each
region. The resulting equations are nondimensionalized and are solved to y
ield the flow front shape and the development of the saturated region. It i
s found that the flow front is parabolic in shape and the length of the sat
urated region is proportional to the square root of the time elapsed. The r
esults thus obtained are compared to data from full scale simulations and a
n error analysis of the solution was carried out. It was found that the tim
e to fill is determined with a high degree of accuracy while the error in e
stimating the flow front length, d, increases with a dimensionless paramete
r epsilon =K(2xx)h(2)(2)/K(2yy)d(2). The solution allows greater insight in
to the process physics, enables parametric and optimization studies and can
reduce the computational cost of full-scale 3-dimensional simulations. A p
arametric study is conducted to establish the sensitivity of flow front vel
ocity to the distribution media/preform thickness ratio and permeabilities
and preform porosity. The results provide insight into the scaling laws for
manufacturing of large scale structures by VARTM. [S1087-1357(00)02002-5].