We determined the adduct maps of S(N)1 and S(N)2 alkylating agents in cultu
red human cells (in vivo) and in vitro to probe DNA-protein interactions al
ong sequences of the promoter and exon 1 of the Fragile-X mental retardatio
n 1 (FMR1) gene. Using ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction (LMPCR),
we compared the piperidine-sensitive alkylpurines sites generated by treat
ing cultured cells tin vivo) and naked DNA (in vitro) with S(N)1 (N-methyl-
N-nitrosourea, N-nitroso(acetoxymethyl)methylamine and 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-n
itrosoguanidine) and S(N)2 alkylating agents (dimethyl sulfate (DMS), metha
ne sulfonic acid methyl ester, iodo methane, diethyl sulfate, methane sulfo
nic acid ethyl ester and iodo ethane). The FMR1 promoter has four sites whe
re DNA-protein interactions are observed. In these regions, the S(N)1 methy
lating agent reactions produced only hypo-reactive sites. In contrast, iodo
alkane S(N)2 alkylating agents (MeI and EtI) reactions generated only hyper
-reactive sites. Although there are hyper-reactive sites for the other S(N)
2 reagents, the hyper-reactive site at +14 on the FMR1 map is more pronounc
ed for the sulfate and sulfonate-derived alkylating agents than for the iod
oalkanes. However, DMS modification in the presence of methyl sulfone, a co
mpound that does not alkylate DNA, eliminates the hyper-reactive site obser
ved at +14. This suggests that the electron-rich oxygen atoms of the sulfat
e and sulfonate-derived S(N)2 alkylating agent structure position the alkyl
ating moiety to the neighboring N-7-guanine position to favor alkyl transfe
r to the guanine. Using KMnO4 to probe for single-strand DNA, an unpaired c
ytosine base was detected at the 5'-side of the hyperreactive guanine base
at position +14, consistent with the formation of a local DNA single-strand
bulge. Ln conclusion, we show that the sequence context-dependent formatio
n of alkylpurines is determined by the chemical nature of the alkylating ag
ent, the DNA sequence context, chromatin structure, and the presence of oth
er non-reactive molecules that can inhibit alkylation. (C) 2001 Academic Pr