We discuss the construct of doubt about one's competence and suggest that d
oubt can have myriad consequences (e.g., self-handicapping. defensive pessi
mism). We focus on the effect of self-doubt when it is combined with a conc
ern with performance and assert that this combination leads to the phenomen
on of subjective overachievement. In two studies, we present a new 17-item
Subjective Overachievement Scale (SOS), which includes two independent subs
cales measuring individual differences in self-doubt and concern with perfo
rmance. The first study, consisting of two large samples (Ns = 2,311 and 1,
703), provides evidence that the scale has high internal consistency and a
clear two-factor structure. Additionally, the subscales have adequate test-
retest reliability (Ns = 67 and 115). A second study reveals that the SOS h
as good convergent and discriminant validity. Both subscales are unrelated
to social desirability but exhibit the predicted patterns of associations w
ith other related constructs. The Concern with Performance Subscale is corr
elated with achievement motivation, whereas the Self-Doubt Subscale is corr
elated with scales assessing negative affectivity (e.g., self-esteem, socia
l anxiety) and other self-related strategies associated with concerns about
one's competence (e.g., self-handicapping, defensive pessimism, impostor p
henomenon). The SOS, which combines the two subscales, appears to tap a uni
que strategy that individuals may use to deal with doubts about their own c