Stereophotogrammetry was used to investigate the functional relations betwe
en the articular surface geometry, contact patterns, and kinematics of the
glenohumeral joint. Nine normal shoulder specimens were elevated in the sca
pular plane by using simulated muscle forces in neutral rotation (NR) and s
tarting rotation (SR). Motion was quantified by analyzing the translations
of the geometric centers of the humeral head cartilage and bone surfaces re
lative to the glenoid surface. In both NR and SR, the ranges of translation
s of the center of the humeral head cartilage surface were greatest in the
inferior-superior direction (NR 2.0 +/- 0.7 mm, SR 2.9 +/- 7.2 mm). Results
of this study also show that joints with less congruence of the articular
surfaces exhibit larger translations, and elevation in SR yields greater tr
anslations than in NR. Kinematic analyses with the humeral head bone surfac
e data yielded larger values of translation than analyses that used the car
tilage surface data, suggesting that similar overestimations may occur in r
adiographic motion studies. Results of this study demonstrate that smalt tr
anslations of the humeral head center occurred in both SR and NR. The proxi
mity of the origin of the helical axes to the geometric center of the humer
al head articular surface confirmed that glenohumeral elevation is mainly r
otation about this geometric center with small translations.