A primary focus of coastal science during the past 3 decades has been the q
uestion: How does anthropogenic nutrient enrichment cause change in the str
ucture or function of nearshore coastal ecosystems? This theme of environme
ntal science is recent, so our conceptual model of the coastal eutrophicati
on problem continues to change rapidly. In this review, I suggest that the
early (Phase I) conceptual model was strongly influenced by Limnologists, w
ho began intense study of lake eutrophication by the 1960s. The Phase I mod
el emphasized changing nutrient input as a signal. and responses to that si
gnal as increased phytoplankton biomass and primary production, decompositi
on of phytoplankton-derived organic matter, and enhanced depletion of oxyge
n from bottom waters. Coastal research in recent decades has identified key
differences in the responses of lakes and coastal-estuarine ecosystems to
nutrient enrichment, The contemporary (Phase II) conceptual model reflects
those differences and includes explicit recognition of (1) system-specific
attributes that act as a filter to modulate the responses to enrichment (le
ading to large differences among estuarine-coastal systems in their sensiti
vity to nutrient enrichment); and (2) a complex suite of direct and indirec
t responses including linked changes in: water transparency, distribution o
f vascular plants and biomass of macroalgae, sediment biogeochemistry and n
utrient cycling, nutrient ratios and their regulation of phytoplankton comm
unity composition, frequency of toxic/harmful algal blooms, habitat quality
for metazoans, reproduction/growth/survival of pelagic and benthic inverte
brates, and subtle changes such as shifts in the seasonality of ecosystem f
unctions. Each aspect of the Phase II model is illustrated here with exampl
es from coastal ecosystems around the world. In the last section of this re
view I present one vision of the next (Phase III) stage in the evolution of
our conceptual model, organized around 5 questions that will guide coastal
science in the early 21st century: (1) How do system-specific attributes c
onstrain or amplify the responses of coastal ecosystems to nutrient enrichm
ent? (2) How does nutrient enrichment interact with other stressors (toxic
contaminants, fishing harvest, aquaculture, nonindigenous species, habitat
loss, climate change, hydrologic manipulations) to change coastal ecosystem
s? (3) How are responses to multiple stressors linked? (4) How does human-i
nduced change in the coastal zone impact the Earth system as habitat for hu
manity and other species? (5) How can a deeper scientific understanding of
the coastal eutrophication problem be applied to develop tools for building
strategies at ecosystem restoration or rehabilitation?