Semiconductor nanostructures based on two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs
) could form the basis of future devices for sensing, information processin
g and quantum computation. Although electron transport in 2DEG nanostructur
es has been well studied, and many remarkable phenomena have already been d
iscovered (for example, weak localization, quantum chaos, universal conduct
ance fluctuations(1,2)), fundamental aspects of the electron flow through t
hese structures have so far not been clarified. However, it has recently be
come possible to image current directly through 2DEG devices using scanning
probe microscope techniques(3-13). Here, we use such a technique to observ
e electron flow through a narrow constriction in a 2DEG-a quantum point con
tact. The images show that the electron flow from the point contact forms n
arrow, branching strands instead of smoothly spreading fans. Our theoretica
l study of this flow indicates that this branching of current flux is due t
o focusing of the electron paths by ripples in the background potential. Th
e strands are decorated by interference fringes separated by half the Fermi
wavelength, indicating the persistence of quantum mechanical phase coheren
ce in the electron flow. These findings may have important implications for
a better understanding of electron transport in 2DEGs and for the design o
f future nanostructure devices.