P. Wobst et al., Linear aspects of changes in deoxygenated hemoglobin concentration and cytochrome oxidase oxidation during brain activation, NEUROIMAGE, 13(3), 2001, pp. 520-530
We used near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to investigate the vascular and m
etabolic response to brain activation in human primary and adjacent seconda
ry visual cortex. NIBS is able to measure concentration changes in deoxygen
ated hemoglobin ([deoxy-Hb]) (which mainly contribute to the blood oxygenat
ion level-dependent (BOLD) signal in functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI)) as well as concentration changes of oxygenated hemoglobin ([oxy-Rb]
) and corpuscular-blood volume ([total-Hb] = [oxy-Hb] + [deoxy-Hb]) and cha
nges in the redox status of the cytochrome c oxidase ([Cyt-Ox]), a putative
parameter for cellular oxygenation. A sound understanding of the transfer
functions between stimulus parameters, neuronal activity, and vascular/meta
bolic parameters is important for interpretation of data acquired with indi
rect neuroimaging techniques like fMRI, especially in event-related design
studies. In the present study we tested whether the vascular/metabolic resp
onse to stimulation can be described as a linear and time invariant system.
Since linearity is a property attributed to systems that satisfy the scali
ng and superposition properties, as a first simple test, superposition of t
he responses obtained from short duration visual stimuli was used to predic
t the responses of longer duration stimuli. Our results showed that the pre
dictions of [deoxy-Hb] and [Cyt-Ox] responses to stimuli of 6- to 24-s dura
tion were satisfactory whereas predictions of [oxy-Hb] and [total-Hb] were
insufficient. Ina second step, a calculated convolution function of an assu
med impulse response function and the stimulus function was fitted with the
measured [deoxy-Hb] and [Cyt-Ox] curves to obtain amplitude, time delay, a
nd time constant parameters. We show that predictions of cellular and vascu
lar oxygenation responses to visual stimulation are good for 6- to 24-s sti
muli duration under the assumption of a linear transfer characteristic. Thi
s model is not valid for corpuscular volume changes which affect mainly the
[deoxy-Hb] response. Noninvasive NIBS is shown to be a suitable method to
get more direct information about neuronal-activity-associated changes in c
erebral parameters which are partly reflected in BOLD signal but are not fu
lly understood yet. (C) 2001 Academic Press.