During corticogenesis, early-born neurons of the pre-plate and layer 6 are
important for guiding subsequent neuronal migrations and axonal projections
. Tbr1 is a putative transcription factor that is highly expressed in gluta
matergic early-born cortical neurons. In Tbr1-deficient mice, these early-b
orn neurons had molecular and functional defects. Cajal-Retzius cells expre
ssed decreased levels of Reelin, resulting in a reeler-like cortical migrat
ion disorder. Impaired subplate differentiation was associated with ectopic
projection of thalamocortical fibers into the basal telencephalon. Layer 6
defects contributed to errors in the thalamocortical, corticothalamic, and
callosal projections. These results show that Tbr1 is a common genetic det
erminant for the differentiation of early-born glutamatergic neocortical ne
urons and provide insights into the functions of these neurons as regulator
s of cortical development.