Developed over a 4-year period by the Department of Defense, the Inter
est-Finder assesses the RIASEC constructs associated with Holland's (1
985a) vocational personality theory. Analyses based on a large nationa
l sample of high school students and military recruits (N = 3,608), we
re conducted to assess Interest-Finder content-, construct-, and crite
rion-related evidence of validity. Results showed that the Interest-Fi
nder (a) is composed of six factors, with each factor representing one
RIASEC domain, (b) has a hexagonal shape, (c) has substantial relatio
nships with the Strong Interest Inventory (SII; Hansen & Campbell, 198
5), (d) can predict certain high school courses taken by students, and
(e) can predict certain types of career choices made by high school s
tudents. The Interest-Finder is an exceptionally promising instrument
with very high levels of reliability and validity.