We consider a model for the ultrashort pulsed-laser excitation of GaAs in w
hich electrons are excited from the top of the valence band to the bottom o
f the conduction band. The linear optical response of this excited system i
n the visible and near-UV is calculated by solving a statically screened Be
the-Salpeter equation. Single-particle electron energies and wave functions
are taken from ab initio electronic structure calculations. The screened e
lectron-hole interaction W is calculated with a model dielectric function w
hich includes the excited carriers. Though band-gap renormalization is negl
ected, dramatic changes are observed in the shape of epsilon (2)(omega) due
to Pauli blocking and the enhanced screening of W. We estimate the error i
ncurred in the static screening approximation by performing static screenin
g calculations with the assumption that the excited carriers respond too sl
owly to screen W.