Agrobacterium tumefaciens efficiently transforms most plants. A few dicotyl
edonous plants and most monocotyledonous plants are, however, recalcitrant
to A. tumefaciens infection. We investigated whether the constitutive synth
esis of a high level of the T-strand DNA intermediate can improve the trans
formation efficiency of plants. We previously described a mutation in the v
ir gene regulator virG, virGN54D, that allows constitutive expression of th
e vir genes. We also described the isolation of a mutant plasmid that is pr
esent at a significantly high level in A. tumefaciens. The two mutations we
re combined to produce an A. tumefaciens strain that synthesizes a high lev
el of T-strand DNA in an inducer-independent manner. DNA transfer efficienc
y of the mutant was measured by monitoring beta -glucuronidase (GUS) expres
sion in a transient transfer assay. A significant increase in the efficienc
y of DNA transfer to both rice and soybean was observed with the double mut
ant. The presence of virGN54D has a major positive effect on transformation