Bicycling in Sweden has almost doubled between 1980 and 1992/3 among person
s aged 25-64 y. The upward trend is continuing. For the elderly (65 or olde
r) the bicycle is a common means of transport, in both Sweden and a number
of other countries. Almost one-third of the Swedish population aged 65 or o
lder bike at some time during the year. The objectives of this study are to
describe the pattern of, and trend in, bicycle-related injuries among the
elderly in Sweden and to discuss possible means of injury prevention. Morta
lity data come from official death certificates (1967-96). Hospital-dischar
ge data (1985-96) are also employed, divided into three age groups(-14, 15-
64 and 65-), by external cause according to the ICD-9, and also into 'all d
iagnoses' and 'head injuries'. Number of cases and days of hospital care fo
r persons aged 65 or more, on aggregate and by gender, are reported for 199
6. The whole of Sweden and its northern and southern parts separately were
investigated. 2830 bicyclists were killed over the period 1967-96, of which
47% were 65 or older. The risk of dying due to bicycling was about 3.7 tim
es greater among the elderly than among children aged 14 or under. There we
re significant changes in injury trends for all age groups between 1985 and
1996 with regard to hospital care. Annual average decreases for children,
of 2.2% for all diagnoses and of 3.4% for head injuries, were observed. For
the other two age groups then were increases in all injuries of 3.4% (15-6
4) and of 2.9% (65-), and increases in head injuries of 4.6% (15 - 64) and
2.7% (65 -). For the elderly living in the southern part of Sweden, there w
as an increase on average of 2.2% per year over the period, compared with 9
.2% for those in the northern part. Males showed a higher incidence of inju
ries and received longer periods of care than females. Do we have an epidem
ic of bicycle injuries among the elderly? They face a greater risk of being
injured or killed than his/her younger counterpart. For all ages the risk
is 7.4 times higher for a bicyclist than for a car driver. The risk for the
elderly is about 3 times greater than for the average bicyclist, and as mu
ch as 6 times higher for the age group 75 - 84 y. With some few exceptions,
there is no doubt that society has neglected the problem. Decision-makers
have a tendency to focus on the relatively young. But people are living lon
ger today and the elderly are healthier, which indicates the need for great
er interest and more intervention. We have signs of an epidemic, but one th
at can be ameliorated or prevented. Just waiting for injury to occur leads
only to premature death or lifelong disability.