A precision 30 MHz TE11 mode waveguide below cut-off piston attenuator has
been designed for 0-100 dB attenuation range to serve as transfer standard
of attenuation. The attenuator has been fabricated using a precision cylind
rical copper waveguide and resonant inductive antennas with type-N connecto
r at its input and output ports. The 30 MHz matched antennas have been inco
rporated in the cylindrical waveguide in such a manner that one serves as f
ixed transmitter and the other as moveable receiver for changing the attenu
ation. A Faraday screen type mode filter has also been fabricated to attenu
ate the amplitude of unwanted TM01 mode to an attenuation level of 60 dB. T
he piston attenuator has approximately 20 dB insertion loss and has been ca
librated in steps of 10 dB over the 0-60 dB range. The results were found t
o lie within +/-0.01 dB/10 dB. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.