A global climatology of stratospheric aerosol is created by combining
nearly a decade (1979-1981 and 1984-1990) of contemporaneous observati
ons from the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE I and II)
and Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement (SAM II) instruments. One goal o
f this work is to provide a representative distribution of the aerosol
layer for use in radiative and chemical modeling. A table of decadal
average 1 mu m extinction values is included, extending from the tropo
pause to 35 km and 80 degrees S to 85 degrees N, which allows estimati
on of surface area density. We find that the aerosol layer is distinct
ly volcanic in nature and suggest that the decadal average is a more u
seful estimate of future aerosol loading than a ''background'' loading
, which is never clearly achieved during the data record. This climato
logy lends insight into the general circulation of the stratosphere. L
atitude - altitude sections of extinction ration at 1 mu m are shown,
averaged by decade, season, and phase of the quasi-biennial oscillatio
n (QBO). A tropical reservoir region is diagnosed, with an ''upper'' a
nd a ''lower'' transport regime. In the tropics above 22 km (upper reg
ime), enhanced lofting occurs in the summer, with suppressed lofting o
r eddy dilution in the winter. In the extratropics within two scale he
ights of the tropopause (lower regime), poleward and downward transpor
t is most robust during winter, especially in the northern hemisphere.
The transport patterns persist into the subsequent equinoctial season
. Ascent associated with QBO easterly shear favors detrainment in the
upper regime, while relative descent and poleward spreading during QBO
westerly shear favors detrainment in the lower regime. Extinction rat
ion differences between the winter-spring and summer-fall hemispheres,
and differences between the two phases of the QBO, are typically 20-5
0%. Dynamical implications of the aerosol distributions are explored,
with focus on interhemispheric differences, strong subtropical gradien
ts, and the pronounce annual cycle.