Lake Agmon, a newly reflooded water body in the southern part of the Hula V
alley is characterized by a clear phase period in winter with almost no blo
oms of phytoplankton. Dense macrobenthos and algal blooms form in the lake
during summer and autumn. High primary production and chlorophyll-a concent
rations were measured in April and during the summer of 1997. Fresh organic
matter in the sediments from the degradation and decomposition of the bloo
ms together with high sulfate concentrations, allowed microbial sulfate red
uction to occur. Sediment cores taken from different sites (peat and marl)
during various seasons in 1997, showed high sulfate reduction rates in June
in the marl region, and September in the peat region (842 and 2834 nmol SO
42- reduced ml(-1) day(-1), respectively). In February, corresponding to th
e development and decline of macrophytes and algal blooms, lower rates of s
ulfate: reduction were recorded (11 nmol SO42- reduced ml(-1) day(-1)). Sul
fate reduction is limited by the supply of organic matter and is one of the
major processes contributing to the mineralization of organic matter in th
is lake. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.