We realized IC-compatible diamond atomic force microscope (AFM) probe techn
ology using our newly developed anodic bonding technique of diamond film to
glass together with microfabrication techniques employing CVD diamond film
. Using Al film as an intermediate layer, diamond film can be anodically bo
nded to Pyrex 7740 glass at a bonding temperature of 500 degreesC, with an
electric voltage of 600 V, and a bonding time of 3 h in atmosphere. Moreove
r, by depositing Ti film as an adhesive layer between the diamond film and
the Al him, a bond strength of 1-2 MPa was obtained. Based on the batch fab
rication process proposed here, we demonstrate diamond AFM probes for conta
ct mode measurements consisting of two kinds of V-shaped cantilever integra
ted with a pyramidal tip. The cantilevers were optimally designed by a fini
te element analysis, giving spring constants of approximately 1 and 5 N/m.
The diamond cantilevers and diamond tips were fabricated on a Si substrate
by a selective deposition of diamond film and a Si mold technique, respecti
vely. Through anodic bonding of a glass backing plate to a diamond base fol
lowed by removing the unnecessary Si substrate, diamond probes were success
fully obtained. The fabrication process described here would allow the prod
uction of large quantities of diamond AFM probes, resulting in a high cost
performance. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.