Background: A review of 16 juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas, mana
ged at the University of Pittsburgh, is presented. Methods. A retrospe
ctive chart review was done. Surgical approaches and factors affecting
recurrence are analyzed. Results. Endoscopic transnasal, transpalatal
, medial maxillectomy, facial translocation, and intratemporal fossa a
pproaches, with or without craniotomy, were employed. The 37.5% recurr
ence rate reflects the advanced stage of the tumors. A major risk fact
or for recurrence was tumor involvement of the cranial base. Conclusio
ns. The surgical approach should be selected according to tumor locati
on and effectiveness of embolization. In young patients, the approach
should minimize the potential for facial growth retardation. Tumors co
nfined to the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses may be
removed endoscopically. Medial maxillectomy is recommended for tumors
that extend to the medial intratemporal fossa or medial cavernous sinu
s. Significant involvement of the infratemporal fossa, cavernous sinus
, or middle cranial fossa requires intratemporal fossa or transfacial
approaches. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.