Kniest dysplasia is an autosomal-dominant chondrodysplastic condition chara
cterized by disproportionate dwarfism, short trunk, small pelvis, kyphoscol
iosis, short limbs, prominent joints, premature osteoarthritis, and craniof
acial manifestations. The craniofacial abnormalities include tracheomalacia
, midface hypoplasia, cleft palate, early onset myopia, retinal detachment,
prominent eyes, and sensorineural hearing loss. Radiologic features includ
e dumbbell-shaped femora, platyspondylia with anterior wedging of vertebral
bodies, coronal clefts of thoracolumbar vertebral bodies, low broad ilia,
and short tubular bones with broad metaphyses and deformed large epiphyses.
This form of chondrodysplasia is associated with mutations in type II coll
agen splicing sequences. Mutations have been identified in the COL2A1 (type
II collagen) gene between exons 12 and 24. Type II collagen is the predomi
nant structural protein in cartilage, and mutations in this collagen accoun
t for the Kniest dysplasia phenotype. Histopathologic and ultrastructural f
eatures of epiphyseal plate cartilage have been described, but tracheal car
tilage in an affected neonate has not been examined. The authors report the
histopathologic and ultrastructural findings of anterior tracheal cartilag
e from a 35-day-old female with suspected chondrodysplasia who had tracheom
alacia with airway obstruction. The tracheal cartilage was moderately cellu
lar, but lacked cystic and myxoid changes in its matrix. The chondrocytes h
ad abundant cytoplasmic PAS-positive inclusions. Some of these inclusions w
ere diastase-resistant and were also highlighted on Alcian blue staining. U
ltrastructural examination revealed chondrocytes with greatly dilated rough
endoplasmic reticulum containing granular proteinaceous material. There we
re also frequent aggregates of typical glycogen. The defect in the COL2A1 g
ene is secondary to mutations, especially at splice junctions, and this mar
kedly disrupts triple helix formation. The mutated type II procollagen resu
lts in intracellular retention within the chondrocytes. as abundant granula
r proteinaceous material within the dilated RER. A relationship is known to
exist between the proportion of mutated to normal type II collagen in the
matrix and the severity of the phenotype. with low levels of normal type II
collagen, the phenotypic manifestations become more severe, such as in ach
ondrogenesis type II. Both the quantity and quality of type II collagen mod
ulates the phenotypic expression of type II collagenopathies.