Objectives: To determine the tear level of tryptase (a marker of mast cell
activation) in vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) before and after treatment
. In addition, eosinophil counts in conjunctival scrapings and ocular surfa
ce temperature before and after treatment were studied.
Patients and Methods: A total of 20 patients, 7 years or older with VKC, we
re included in this study. Tear samples for tryptase determination were col
lected before and 2 weeks after treatment with 4% disodium cromoglycate eye
drops and 0.1% fluorometholone eyedrops. In addition, conjunctival scraping
s were obtained for microscopic evaluation, and measurement of the ocular s
urface temperature was performed before and 2 weeks after treatment. One pa
tient was excluded because the patient did not receive topical treatment. C
ontrol tear samples were collected from 20 normal control patients for tryp
tase determination.
Results: There were 19 patients with VKC (17 males, 2 females). The age ran
ge was 7 to 17 years with a mean age of 9 years. The mean number of eosinop
hils prior to initiation of therapy was 11.37 eosinophils with a range of 1
to 34 per high-power field. Following treatment, the mean number of eosino
phils was 3.42 eosinophils per high-power field with a range of 0 to 11 (P<
.01). The mean ocular surface temperature for the right eye before treatmen
t was 35.56<degrees>C (range, 34.46 degreesC-36.50 degreesC) and after trea
tment was 33.53 degreesC (range, 31.13 degreesC-35.40 degreesC). For the le
ft eye, the mean ocular surface temperature before treatment was 35.49 degr
eesC (range, 34.86 degreesC-36.16 degreesC) and after treatment was 33.88 d
egreesC (range, 32.40 degreesC-35.53 degreesC). The ocular surface temperat
ure was found to decrease significantly following treatment (P<.001). The l
evels of tryptase in tears of patients with VKC were determined before and
after treatment. The mean level was 16.77 ng/mL (range, <5-115 ng/mL). Foll
owing treatment with topical 4% disodium cromoglycate and 0.1% fluoromethol
one eyedrops, the mean level of tryptase decreased to 7.29 ng/mL (range, <5
-44.1 ng/mL) (P<.05).
Conclusions: Patients with severe VKC had high levels of tryptase in tears.
Following treatment, the level of tryptase in tears decreased significantl